Saturday, April 09, 2005

Who are these people?

I keep getting emails from senders with names like Gynecologist P. Joviality and Fricassee Q. Laxative, usually trying to sell me viagra or cialis or some other pill that promises to make my life more fulfilling. Because I'm never happier and more at peace than when I have a nuclear erection. Thanks, Gynecologist!
Who the fuck wrote the code to generate these cocktarded names? Do they actually believe that this is effective advertising and that people will read these inane, odious emails? (Irony: Clearly, I do. Regularly.)

Dear reader, if you have any insight, we beseech thee, COMMENT.


Anonymous said...

"Cocktarded" is not and should not be a word.

Anonymous said...

I disagree... not only should it be a word, but it must be a word.

As fate would have it, I opened my Junk E-mail folder to see what kind of idiotic names I'd find since the last time I'd cleared it about three minutes ago, and all I came across was Kyle L. Winston, which may be the only sensible name I've ever seen from that cocktarded algorithm.

Recently, I've gotten email from: Differed U. Gumdrop, Incompleteness T. Epaulette, Snuffing J. Lithographer, and Reverting S. Palindromes. I've developed some perverse fascination with reading the From lines of my spam now.

Oh, right, insight. No insight. Sorry.