Tuesday, April 19, 2005

get outta here

There are many colorful ways of telling someone to bugger off, or of announcing one's own imminent exodus. Here are a few. As always, we welcome submissions.
  • Make like a tree and leave.
  • Make like a hockey player and get the puck out of here.
  • Make like a fetus and head out.
  • Make like the Catholic Church and get the fuck out of here.
  • Make like an exorcist and get the hell out of here.
  • Make like Siamese twins and split . . . and then one of you die.


Anonymous said...

One to add to your list:
Make like a banana and split.

My favorite (cause it has a monkey):
Make like a monkey with a banana and peel out.

Gratuitous banana one:
Make like a clown and a banana peel and slip out.

And another one:
Make like a guy eating a banana and get the fork out of here.

Jeez, these all have banana in them. The next one won't.

Make like an orange and roll out.
Ok, it didn't make sense. But orange you glad I didn't say "banana"?

Two ones that are actually good:
Make like Santa Claus and leave my presents.

Make like Tom and Cruise.

Movie quote:
"Make like a tree and get outta here." Heh. "That's as funny as a screen door on a battleship." If you can't name the movie, well, I'm disappointed.

Anonymous said...

A good source of these is Bugs Meany in Encyclopedia Brown. FYI.