Sunday, April 10, 2005

That would make a great band name!

Or, in many cases, a great blog name. They're fairly similar. Here is an ever-expanding list of amusing or otherwise interesting band names that we've come up one way or another.

Liquid RidiculousPapal Crap
His Own Sock
Punctuational ClusterfuckNever SweatHaggard Ken
The Haptic ExplorersGrinder in the Lid
Tastes Like Chicken
Bootleg JesusSword WordsChicago Pile Number One

Send us more, of your own creation! We will post those that are worthy.


Anonymous said...

Here's something to get people started: (Think of it as a MadLib.)


For the more adventurous:


Oddly, the more syllables, the funnier the "band name" will be. The fewer, the better the actual band name will be.

For example, I'm going to go to (10th anniversary!) and pick the first few words of the correct type I see.

His Own Sock
Never Sweat

Those aren't great, are they? :-/ Now, I'm going to go to word of the day at

While looking at these words, I've realized a new rule:
Special rule: The second word must have an equal or fewer number of syllables. Otherwise, the name won't flow.

(april 12, 13): haggard ken
(april 9-10): vermicular sylph

I'm getting there, but how can someone's understanding be tired and worn? How can a nymph of the air be wormlike? Maybe she's very sinuous? Ugh. Not that funny, either.

What if I combined regular words with cool words?

What's more regular than peasants? And I picked "Byzantine because Mar. 27th's my birthday. (Yes, you forgot it. No, I don't blame you or want to sneak into your house at night and kill you. Honest.) I think it's a good name. But does it have staying power? Who wants to go see some peasants play music? Not the best image for a band. How about...

Now, this may seem to violate my special rule, but not if you count the "The".* (Note the band name doesn't sound half as good without the "The".) Now that's a rockin' name. Adventurous, tap in to the disaffected youth, a lot of people won't know "haptic," so younger people can feel superior, all kinds of things that this band really has going for it. I can see the groupies coming now...

[Fade to dream, then fade out, as I don't want you intruding on my fantasy.]
HOT FEMALE GROUPIE: "Oh, Keith, you can haptically explore me anytime!"
[Yes, fade out now. My super-long post is over]

*Almost forgot to put in my footnote. This probably didn't even occur to you unless you read aloud, but how do you pronounce "the 'The'"? My default way of pronouncing a "the" is like "thee" (as opposed to "thuh"). But if I were reading I would say "thuh 'Thee'" Does anyone else care? I was curious, and when I write, I like to remove the whole thinking thing and go straight to paper. Or computer screen, as the case may be.

Anonymous said...

Still, I'd pay to see "Never Sweat." Until they top the charts and Billboard or Variety comes up with the headline: "Never Sweat: Never Sweeter". Then I'd have to hate the band just on principle.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to "Grinder in the Lid"?

David said...

As much as I like "Sword Words" as a band name, perhaps "Word Sword" (or "Wordsword" or "WordSword") would be more interesting.

Same thing adding an "s" to the end:
Word Swords
WordSwordS :o]