Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Grammar Lovers, Unite!

It has come to our attention that we missed a major grammar milestone last week.  Apparently, March 4 was National Grammar Day.  They even recorded a YouTube music video of their original song, "March Forth" (Get it? Of course you do, if you're reading Liquid Ridiculous).  That website has a number of other delectable offerings, such as grammar-related poetry.

In addition, there are a few things every Liquid Ridiculous reader should know about.  You'll probably want to become acquainted with the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (SPOGG), at whose website you can download your very own official membership card.  I also recommend joining their facebook group (search SPOGG) and perusing the photos of bad grammar posted by members. 

I heartily endorse the Society's online journal; I'm surprised they don't call it the SPOGG Blog.  Like us, they post grammatical musings, only more regularly.  Also, there's a fantastic list of grammar-related links in honor of National Grammar Day.

Finally, you might just want to get yourself a copy of grammar maven Martha Brockenbrough's new book, Things That Make Us [Sic].  Pointing out bad grammar in the world is fun!  And sometimes it makes us feel better about ourselves -- isn't that right, dear readers?

We hope you had a syntactically satisfying National Grammar Day, and we wish you many more.  And we pledge not to forget it next year.

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